Staying sober is the ultimate goal for many people. However, knowing how to sober up and stay sober isn’t always intuitive. This is why going to the right addiction treatment center is so necessary. Discover what techniques help individuals maintain their sobriety throughout this article. Also, learn why a solid foundation is vital when it comes to living sober.
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Commit to Ongoing Recovery
The first step to living sober is recognizing what it takes to achieve sobriety in the first place. Individuals must work hard to achieve addiction recovery. It takes time, commitment, and ongoing dedication. There is no such thing as a miracle cure or instant remedy for addiction.
Residents of the Palm Springs rehab center known as Phoenix Rising Recovery should commit to the rehab center’s full continuum of care when receiving addiction treatment. Full continuum of care for addiction treatment may start with a detox program. After detox, individuals should attend residential, partial hospitalization, or outpatient addiction treatment programs, or perhaps a combination of all three overtime, if they want to achieve sobriety.
The path to achieving sobriety might even include attending a sober living program. Once people complete their full continuum of care for addiction treatment and recovery, they will need to return back to the real world as sober individuals. Living sober for the rest of one’s life will require commitment.
Create a Plan For Sobriety
Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. The adage is true in many areas of life, but especially when it comes to addiction recovery. Every day, individuals that are hoping to achieve lifelong sobriety must make the choice to not drink or use drugs.
Individuals that want to always make the right choice to not drink or use drugs need a plan of action in place to help prevent them from doing so. That might mean doing everything from setting up a schedule for each day to establishing a routine, to finding healthy coping mechanisms to help manage addiction triggers. Whatever it takes to continue living sober.
Build a Support System You Can Rely On
No one should have to learn how to live sober on his or her own. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to gain support while in addiction treatment and recovery. First, individuals can gain support from their peers and addiction treatment professionals while in rehab. Ongoing support once people complete addiction treatment and are on their own is crucial to living sober after rehab is over.
Peers often make a great support system. This is because people that are going through similar things in life due to their age and/or lifestyle are able to empathize with one another and give each other realistic tips for how to stay sober.
Peers can also learn from one another’s past experiences and give one another feedback. In doing so, peers can be a source of accountability long after addiction treatment is over.
Family, friends, and even neighbors can also be a part of a person’s support system when it comes to trying to maintain sobriety while in recovery. As a loved one of a person in addiction recovery, it’s important to know the difference between supporting someone and enabling someone, though.
Often, loved ones want to help people achieve and maintain sobriety. This is the wrong mindset to have as loved ones of people in recovery from addiction should just learn how to support one another and not act as enablers.
Addiction Treatment Programs and Therapies That Help People Live Sober
The Phoenix Rising Palm Spring drug rehab center offers various addiction treatment programs and therapies that can help people achieve and maintain sobriety. Some addiction therapies and strategies that are within the Phoenix Rising rehab programs include:
- Equine therapy
- Trauma-informed care
- Dual diagnosis services
- Individual therapy
- Group therapy
- Young adult rehab
- Men’s rehab
- EMDR therapy
- Family therapy
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Experiential therapy
- Holistic therapy
Benefits of Sober Living Homes
Individuals that complete their addiction treatment programs at Phoenix Rising Recovery but still want more assistance to help them maintain sobriety as they transition back into the real world can stay in our sober living homes in Palm Springs, CA. Sober living homes are apartment-like facilities that individuals that have recently completed rehab stay at while transitioning back into the real world. There are many benefits to living in sober living homes.
All Sober Living Home Residents are New to Recovery
Sober living homes are great living environments for people that are recently out of rehab. This is because sober living homes are only filled with other people that are new to addiction recovery. Therefore, sober living homes can help people in addiction recovery build on their support groups.
The fact that sober living homes are only filled with people that are new to addiction recovery can also help residents feel comfortable being vulnerable with their sober living peers about their journeys with addiction.
No Substances Allowed in Sober Living Homes
Another factor that makes sober living homes a great living environment for people that are recently out of rehab is that they don’t allow any substances within the facilities. Because sober living home residents are still tempted by substances as they venture into the real world, sober living homes prohibiting substances within their facilities make living sober easier while at home.
Sober living homes prohibiting substances within their facilities especially make it easier for former inpatient rehab attendees to transition back into the real world. This is because having to manage the temptation of substances while out in the world all day but not at home is a great transition between inpatient rehab and the real world.
Opportunities for Extended Addiction Therapy
While individuals stay in sober living homes, they can receive extended addiction therapy. This only further makes living sober an easier process as a person transitions from rehab into the real world.
Benefits of Living Sober
Just like there are many benefits to sober living homes, there are also many benefits to living sober. These benefits can motivate a person in addiction recovery to make the right choice to abstain from substances each and every day.
Improved Physical Health
When individuals sober up and continue living sober lives, their physical health will likely gradually improve. This is because such individuals are no longer abusing their bodies by continuously putting toxic chemicals in them. As a result, living sober can make a person have more energy and be more alert. This makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
Better Sleep
Another benefit of living sober is getting better sleep. Chronic use of many substances, such as alcohol, disrupt sleeping patterns and suppress sleep. This, in turn, causes people to not get the rest that they need to sustain a healthy life. Therefore, remaining sober will improve a person’s sleep.
Improved Memory
When a person is always using substances to self-medicate, they are likely bogging down their memory. Thus, when individuals sober up, their memory often improves.
More Money
People that suffer from substance addictions are willing to do nearly anything to always have substances at hand. This includes spending their last dollars on drugs.
In fact, drug users spend a massive amount of money each year on substances. Therefore, living sober lives will cause people that once used all their money on substances to have more money to spend on other things.
Improved Relationships With Family and Friends
People that suffer from addiction will often do anything to get more substances. This includes lying, cheating, and stealing from the people closest to them.
Such behavior often ruins the relationships that drug addicts have with their family and friends. Thus, achieving addiction recovery and maintaining sobriety will likely improve a person’s relationships with his or her family and friends.
Attend Addiction Treatment and Sober Living At Phoenix Rising Recovery
Learning how to overcome addiction and stay sober is one of the keys to relapse prevention. At the Phoenix Rising Palm Springs drug rehab center, you’ll have access to the right combination of treatments, support, and accountability to help you achieve immediate and ongoing addiction recovery.
We here at Phoenix Rising Recovery also offer a wide range of addiction treatment programs. These addiction treatment programs are specialized by substance and individualized by the person.
We even offer addiction treatment programs that cater just to individuals of certain age groups, genders, or professions. For example, we offer a young adults rehab program, a men’s rehab program, and addiction treatment program services that are just for veterans as well as first responders.
After individuals complete addiction treatment at our treatment center, they can attend our sober living homes. To learn more about the different addiction treatment programs, therapies, and services that we offer here at Phoenix Rising Recovery, contact us today! We are more than willing to answer any questions that you may have.