Medication-Assisted Treatment – MAT Rehab in Los Angeles

When it comes to substance use disorders, many approaches can help. At our Rehab center, we provide medication-assisted treatment, also known as MAT in Los Angeles, California, to help those who need it. This method uses a combination of therapy and FDA-approved medications to help people become sober.

Then, continued usage of this approach can help a person enjoy long-term sobriety. When someone is ready to leave their addiction behind them, medication-assisted treatment can be the answer they need.

What is Medication-Assisted Treatment?

medication-assisted treatment MAT rehab los angeles

Many clinicians use medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to help people with an addiction to drugs or alcohol. MAT rehab in Los Angeles involves a 2-pronged approach to treatment. First, medications can help stop cravings for substances. In addition, they can aid in reducing or eliminating some of the withdrawal symptoms that occur in early recovery. Medical professionals monitor the effects the meds have and make any necessary adjustments.

Second, people using MAT also receive therapy. This teaches them how to deal with triggers and cravings that may lead to relapse. The therapy helps people on both an emotional and cognitive level. In short, medication-assisted treatment in Los Angeles helps people avoid relapse while they build strong recoveries, and teaches them about what led to their addiction.

How Does Medication-Assisted Treatment Work?

For many, going through detox and early recovery without using medication is possible. For many others, it’s simply not the right approach. MAT begins with an assessment of each person to see if they are a good candidate for it.

All medications are FDA-approved. Then, if they are approved, the right medication is selected. Medical professionals supervise their use. Medications can be quite helpful. That being said, combining them with therapy doubles down on providing effective treatment for addiction.

Psychotherapy sessions take place at the same time. Medications don’t have to consist solely of those that address physical ailments. In addition, they can help with emotional and psychological reactions commonly felt during detox and early recovery. These include depression, anxiety, and moodiness. MAT typically begins during detox and can extend into residential or outpatient rehab treatment; however, some people continue to use it during aftercare.

Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment

Going through detox can prove physically and emotionally difficult for many people. With this in mind, MAT helps keep a person from suffering needlessly. As a result, they are more likely to stay sober.

Some of the benefits of using medication-assisted treatment include:

  • Increases length of time in treatment
  • Improves the survival of patients
  • Reduces or stops cravings for alcohol and certain drugs
  • Reduces or prevents some withdrawal symptoms
  • Provides the outlet of talking to a therapist about emotional challenges
  • Enhances the outcomes of birth among pregnant women with substance use disorders
  • Increases the ability of patients to get and keep jobs
  • Reduces the illegal use of opiates and criminal activities among people addicted to them

benefits of medication-assisted treatment Los Angeles

Protocol for Medication-Assisted Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

The type of substance someone abused, the severity of the addiction, and the presence of any co-occurring mental health disorders are 3 things that must be determined to assess each patient accurately. Once staff has evaluated all of these factors, the treatment center will determine whether the patient requires medication-assisted treatment.

Those who need MAT to recover will be placed in a unit with a higher level of attention and care. There will not be a minimum or maximum amount of time that this form of treatment takes. Each patient is different, so each case will differ. The need for any medication-assisted treatment will be monitored to ensure the patient is receiving help and not hurting themselves. Studies have shown that those who participate in MAT can have significantly higher rates of success long-term without relapse.

Ideal candidates for medication-assisted treatment include the following:

  • Have been diagnosed with opioid addiction
  • No physical issues the medication could worsen
  • Learned all treatment possibilities
  • Agrees to follow strict guidelines of medicated-assisted treatment

Medication-assisted treatment might not be best for the following:

  • Unmotivated to achieve sobriety
  • Suffers from multiple substance addictions simultaneously
  • History of medication abuse
  • Health conditions like liver failure and heart disease

Types of Drugs Used in Medication-Assisted Treatment

Several options for MAT can be used to help people during treatment. The following medications are FDA approved medications commonly used for various substance use disorders:

FDA Approved Medications for Opioid Use Disorder:

  • Naloxone: Used to prevent overdose or treat someone who may have overdosed on heroin or other opioids. This medication targets the μ-opioid receptors to push opioids out of them, or block them from entering, depending on when it is administered.
  • Methadone: Prevents withdrawal symptoms when a person stops using opioids.
  • Naltrexone: Negates the effects of opioids by blocking the μ-opioid receptors, making it less tempting for someone to ingest them. It also reduces substance cravings.
  • Buprenorphine: Helps prevent withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone is combined in some forms of Buprenorphine to prevent concurrent use of other opioids by blocking μ-opioid receptors.

Medications Used To Treat Alcohol Use Disorder:

  • Acamprosate: Reduces cravings for alcohol.
  • Disulfiram: Causes uncomfortable side effects if a person drinks, such as nausea and vomiting. This makes the person less likely to drink again.
  • Naltrexone: A common medication used to treat opioid use disorders, research has found that though it does not block the effects of alcohol, blocking the μ-opioid receptors, cravings can decrease significantly.

Is Medication-Assisted Treatment in Los Angeles Right for Me?

landscape near medication-assisted treatment Los Angeles

If you’re unfamiliar with MAT, you may wonder if it will work for you. An assessment given by a medical expert determines the answer. Having said that, there are some questions you can ask yourself to see if medication-assisted treatment is right for you.

  • Do you have trouble remaining sober even when in a rehab center?
  • Have you relapsed during or after leaving treatment?
  • Do you want to stay sober while using craving-reducing medications?
  • Do you want to work on the goal of maintaining long-term sobriety?
  • Are you prepared to take prescription medications for the sole purpose of helping you remain sober during treatment?

Therapies Used As Part of Medication-Assisted Treatment

A person might assume there is only one type of therapy available. In contrast, several choices exist. During an initial assessment, treatment experts decide which ones make the best fit for a person.

Choices for MAT therapy include:

Individual Therapy

This type of therapy helps to evaluate the patient’s mental health in sessions. It can help determine what caused the addiction and what continues to fuel it. One-on-one therapy provides a safe place for a person to discuss their emotions and experiences. Additionally, they can work on using healthy coping skills that prevent relapse from happening.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

About half of all people with an addiction also struggle with at least one mental health disorder. Dual diagnosis treatment treats both conditions at the same time. In this case, healing takes place on both fronts.

Holistic Treatment

This form of treatment allows patients to develop new habits and hobbies. Members will participate in recreational activities like art and yoga. They also learn how to focus on things like eating healthy and exercising.

holistic therapy during medication-assisted treatment MAT rehab Los Angeles

Addiction Treatment Programs Available

Phoenix Rising provides a variety of treatment programs for people struggling with addiction. In fact, we provide medication-assisted treatment in Los Angeles that caters to the needs of different clients.

Some of the treatment programs we offer include:

Begin MAT Rehab in Los Angeles, CA

Living with drug or alcohol addiction takes its toll on a person. Phoenix Rising Recovery provides medication-assisted treatment in Los Angeles for those struggling with alcohol or opioid addiction. Our expert staff understands how to use MAT to help people get through detox and early recovery. We provide detox, residential, and outpatient programs to suit a variety of needs.

Visit our admissions page now and find out how to get started. Your new sober life is waiting for you.
